Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Thoughts and Reflections of M.E. Randolph: Married?

Thoughts and Reflections of M.E. Randolph: Married?


We keep saying that we are trying,
But we stopped "trying" a long time ago.
No connection. No form of affection.
This life has become nothing more than a Reality Show.

"Love" used to Mean...Used to be Seen
We were actually "in love".
Now that word is just a word to be heard
Because it's evident that we don't love each other anymore.

Trying to force this...Want to mean that
Because the alternative leaves us scared.
Been together so long
Being apart would feel really wrong
How do you walk away from the one person that was always supposed to be there?

But "supposed to" and "is" are two different things.
And "supposed to" can't be forced into "is".
Either it is or it isn't.
And it's sad that Love is no longer living here.

So, do we stay or do we go?
Do we really try,
Or do we keep pretending?
Do we put in the work
Or do we let go and give it all up?
What will be our story's ending?