Sunday, August 23, 2009

BEAUTIFUL (from The Autobiography of A Black Woman)

He doesn’t call me beautiful
He no longer admires the kink of my hair, the hue of my skin.
He doesn’t call me beautiful
I am where he has already been.
He doesn’t call me beautiful
My eyes can no longer hide the deep-rooted hurt
He doesn’t call me beautiful
He says our being together would call for too much struggle…too much work.
He doesn’t call me beautiful
My afro, my braids, even my processed hair reminds him of a time in chains.
He doesn’t call me beautiful
He desires one with generations of Black blood on her hands.
He doesn’t call me beautiful
I have too much strength and if need be, I will overpower him.
He doesn’t call me beautiful
Because if I have to, I can do my part and then turn around and do his.
He doesn’t call me beautiful
Even though I have been there when there was no one else.
He doesn’t call me beautiful
Because when he looks at me he sees himself.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

If You Don't Know Me By Now....

i have come to realize that Facebook is really an amazing way to socialize. You link up with friends from the past, family that have moved to other parts of the country, people you've never met but are interested in meeting, and even ex-girlfriends of old flames.
Speaking of which...yesterday, I was in a bored phase and decided to log on to facebook to see what was going on with friends. Upon signing in, I noticed that I had a new message in my inbox, so I immediately clicked on it to see who had sent me a message.
Low and behold, it's a blast from the past. A blast from a past that, back then, wasn't so great. But now, when I look back on it, is kind of hilarious in a way because back then I was very young, stupid, and a bit immature.
See, my Freshman year in college I fell in lust with a City Boy. Back in 1995, I thought that it was love; but the truth of the matter is that I was just infatuated. Everything about this boy fascinated me, right down to the fact that he was a drug dealer that lived in the projects with his sister and her young son. I wasn't used to that kind of lifestyle, so when I became exposed to it, in a sick way, I became drawn to it. I didn't want the clean cut college boy walking around in the khakis and Polo shirts. I wanted the city boy, walking around in sagging jeans and Timberland boots with a stash of weed stuck down in them. Yes, I know...
Anyway, after meeting this guy, we quickly became involved. He was my man and I was his girl...or so I thought. He had already told me that he had a baby on the way. Cool...things happen. What he forgot to tell me was that his future baby's mama was his high school sweetheart and that they were still in a timultuous relationship.
So imagine my surprise when on Fair Night, he and I are walking around the fair and are instantly bombarded by a pregnant teenaged girl and her click. She's crying and acting crazy and her friends are eyeing me like they were just waiting for her to give them the word. She wants to know who I am and blah blah blah. Some kind of way, he gets her to leave and we go on to have a nice time riding rides.
A few weeks later, however, he throws a cookout at his home, and his family and friends are all there, drinking, smoking, and doing things that we all knew they shouldn't be doing. He realizes that he needs to run to the store. Of course, he's driving my car, which I have given him free access to since he has no automobile and he leaves. I'm sitting in the house alone, watching tv. Suddenly there's a knock on the door. I answer and come face to face with the baby's mama.
I instantly size her up. After all, everyone associated with him have commented time and time again that I look like his "old" girlfriend. Some even slip on occasion and call me by her name. But as I get a close up, I see no resemblance besides the complexion.
Anyway, She comes in and we take seats right across from each other. I continue watching tv. She watches me. Five minutes go by and then she speaks. She asks me what is my relationship to "him". I tell her we're dating. She then asks are we sleeping together. I tell her that it's really none of her business but then I answer. She's upset and storms out only to wait for his return. He pulls up and she jumps on him. Then he comes in the house and we argue. From that day forward, this became our routine that lasted well over a year.
She found out where I lived, my phone number..I even heard that she had my class schedule. Whenever he was at my house, she would call my phone. Whenever I was at his house, she would show up. One morning we even woke up only to find her standing at the end of the bed. Talk about crazy!
But back then,he had it like that. I was his girlfriend... but so was she. We just didn't know...or maybe we did but just didn't want to acknowledge it.
She would come over at 7 in the morning and I would be leaving for class. Or, I would be on my way to class and drop him off down the street from her house so that he could "see his baby". They even went to the prom together when we were together.
This relationship was so toxic that at one point I wasn't even eating because she and him had me that stressed out. I looked sick! That's when I knew that I had to get away. There would be no more holding me hostage in his apartment for days. No more taking my car and leaving me to walk. No more explanations for why he had to spend his days at her home and every now and then sleep with her to see his baby. Enough was enough.
I left school for the summer and went home to get him out of my system...and I did. The Lord delivered me from evil!
We stayed in contact over the next few years; but only because he didn't know how to let go. I moved on, met the love of my life and the rest is history. Well, over the years he has sent messages through his cousin that's married to my cousin; but I quickly shut that down!
So here we are on Facebook. His ex girl and me. Friends on Facebook. It's been months. But all of a sudden, I get a message from her asking how do we know one another.
When I read this, I couldn't do anything but laugh because there was no way this was a serious question. How do we know one another? I even had to call my cousins, who were my college roommates and witnessed all the drama, to read this to them.
I was told not to even dignify it with an answer. After all, there was no way in Hell this girl doesn't remember me. After all, my name is one of a kind. Secondly, my face hasn't changed that much. And third, you have a baby with this guy. There is no way that you don't remember your relationship with him and everything that he took you through.
I just wrote a one liner and let her know that I met her during an immature phase in my life. Well, she wrote back today and basically said that she couldn't recall me. Thus, I had to blog because I just don't believe that this is true. Please...go to my poll and let me know what you think about this. Is this girl playing games? Or could she really not remember me?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Preference vs. Ignorance

There's no hiding the fact that I have very strong views when it comes to certain issues. If those issues come up in a conversation or are asked about, then I gladly share my thoughts. But I don't think that I've ever tried to force my views on any one;however, if I could, trust me, I would. After all, we all would like for things to be or go our way, whether we're willing to admit it or not. Anyway, while on Facebook a few days ago, I had a chat with an old college buddy of my husband's. (I knew his face from around campus, but I never got to know him personally. Since Darius is so busy and never can stay in touch with anyone, this friend keeps in contact through me.)
Anyway, this particular guy precedes to ask about my husband and then steers the conversation towards hooking him up with one of my friends. Now, I'm a sucker for a good hook up. The only problem is that I never have the right people to hook up. So I tell my husband's friend that I have a few friends that I may can set him up with. And they all reside in Atlanta where he lives. He's pleased. But then he goes on to ask me if Darius has told me about him. Told me what? He asks if Darius has told him that he likes "mixed" looking women. Maybe Latina.

When I read this, I couldn't help but chuckle and shake my head. See, the thing is, I understand that people have preferences. I have preferences. But I always thought..and I'm sure that I'm right...that preference meant that you like a particular group of something, but you like or prefer one over the other. I like all kinds of greens. But I prefer Collard Greens over Mustard or Turnip greens. However, when it comes to this issue, is this a preference?

If you like all women but you prefer a certain group, I guess that would be okay for some people. Beauty can be found in all races. But if you only like a particular kind of woman...especially within your own race...isn't that ignorance on your part? What if this man is brown skinned yet, he admits that he doesn't like brown skinned women and definitely would not think twice about a chocolate sister? What if he said that he refuses to "settle for less"? Is this preference? Or is it ignorance about who and what he is and how he feels about himself as well as his race?

Just to appease my husband's friend, I sent him to the profile of one of my girlfriends who is "light-skinned" with "wavy" hair. He comes back and lets me know that she is OK, but she wouldn't keep him from looking at other women. I guess she was not light enough. He reiterated the "Mixed Look" thing again.

This is when I really started to question this preference thing. It is so rampant in the African-American community. I, along with every other Black person, knows someone who claims to have this preference, I'm sure. But is it OK?
In my opinion, Hell no! I think it's one of many problems we have as a people. How can you, as a person of color, not have love for all representations of yourself. Especially when you discriminate against a person who is your shade of brown! If you are brown skinned, but don't like brown skinned women....what does this say about how you feel about yourself. It would be different if he had said that he likes all Black women, but for some reason, he tends to gravitate towards those of a lighter hue, right? Or am I making this deeper than it is? Somebody please, let me know! Because I'm really trying to wrap my mind around this.

And to my husband's friend, if you are reading this. I am in no way trying to call you out or dis you in any way. I've already told you how I feel so this blog should come as no surprise. And yes, I do have available friends; they just might not be the "right" shade for you.